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President Xu Huixia and Her Delegation Visited Universities in Germany and France

[作者]: [来源]:Foreign Affairs Office, International School [时间]:2023-12-18 15:40:16 [阅读次数]:10

  From December 7 to 13, President Xu Huixia and her delegation visited universities in Germany and France, for expanding high-level partnerships and promoting international cooperation and exchanges between Huzhou University and prestigious universities in computer sciences, medicine, education, economic management and other realms. During the visit, the delegation reached much consensus with German and French universities in terms of cooperative education, scientific researches and academic exchanges, and mutual employment of teachers.

  In Germany, the delegation visited the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Zeppelin University (ZU), and University of Education, Freiburg. As a global top research university, TUM enjoys a high reputation in natural sciences, medicine, and engineering worldwide. ZU is a private comprehensive university with bachelor, master and doctoral programs, with its business management, public administration and policy ranking top specialties in German universities. University of Education, Freiburg is a public university that enjoys big fame among German normal universities and focuses on teacher education, with bachelor, master and doctoral programs in education, special education, psychology and sociology.

  During the visit, the delegation carried out consultations with TUM on scientific research cooperation and teacher exchange visits in economic management, signed a  memorandum of cooperation with ZU on tuition-free exchange visits, joint cultivation of doctoral students, and teacher exchanges, and reached the cooperation intent (with cooperation memorandum to be signed) with University of Education, Freiburg on such areas as tuition-free exchange visits, undergraduate cooperative education, teacher training course sharing.

  In France, the delegation visited universities and research institutions including University Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay) and Paris Institute of Digital Technology (ISEP). Originated from the University of Paris, UPSaclay was established in the second half of the 12th century and is a global top research university. As a renowned private engineering school, ISEP possesses a leading position in higher engineering education in France.

  The delegation visited the digital laboratory and the lab for neurological disorders, and learned about the cultivation of doctoral students and the university-enterprise cooperation for talents cultivation and employment. Amidst the visit, the delegation reached the cooperation intent with UPSaclay in the study of biomarkers in neurological disorders, obtained a common understanding on joint building of laboratories, joint cultivation of master and doctoral students, cooperative scientific researches, teacher exchange visits, and held consultations on the flexible introduction of high-level talents; it also reached consensus with ISEP on joint building of “Smart +” laboratory, tuition-free exchanges, cooperative education of master programs, joint cultivation of doctoral students, and teacher exchange visits.

  During the visit, Xu Huixia and her delegation also visited the teachers of Huzhou University pursuing careers as postdoc fellows in German universities and the doctoral students jointly cultivated by Huzhou University and French universities.


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