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Party Secretary Jin Peihua and His Delegation Visited Hungarian Universities

[作者]: [来源]:Party Committee and President Office [时间]:2023-08-29 9:41:52 [阅读次数]:16

  From August 27 to 28, Jin Peihua, Secretary of the Party Committee of the University, and his delegation visited Hungary’s Eotvos Lorand University, Debrecen University and Budapest Metropolitan University.

  At Eotvos Lorand Universit University, Hamar Imre, First Vice President and Foreign Director of the Confucius Institute, received the delegation. Li Denggui, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute, Ye Qiuyue, Director of China Affairs, and Knyihar Eszter, Director of the International Division, attended the symposium. The two sides introduced the history and development of their own university as well as the characteristics of the Confucius Institute, and exchanged views on future cooperation.

  Eotvos Lorand University, also known as the University of Budapest, is located in the Hungarian capital city Budapest. Founded in 1635 and named after the physicist Eotvos Lorand, it is the highest institution of learning in Hungary. There are many schools including School of Humanities, School of Law, School of Information, School of Natural Sciences, School of Sociology, School of Education and Psychology, School of Special Education, a training school for preschool teachers, and the Confucius Institute, which is the center of Confucius Institutes in the Central European area. Eotvos Lorand now has about 32,000 students, 1,800 teachers and researchers and over 2,000 international students. As a member of the Coimbra Group, of Institutional Network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA), of European University Foundation - Campus Europae (EUF) and of European University Association(EUA), it has produced 5 Nobel Prize winners, 2 Wolf Prize winners, 1 Abel Prize winner and many world famous scientists. Current Prime Minister of the Hungarian government, the President of the State and the President of the National Assembly are graduates of this university.

  At the University of Debrecen, Laszlo Kozma, Director of the International Department, introduced the university’s long history and subject characteristics. The two sides exchanged views on international talent training and other work. Following the symposium, the delegation visited the Debrecen Medical School, the Academy of Humanities, Arts and Sciences and the library.

  The University of Debrecen is a well-known public comprehensive research university in Hungary and one of the most important higher education institutions in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe. Located in Debrecen, Hungary’s second largest city, the University is the oldest surviving higher education institution in Hungary. The predecessor of it can be traced back to the Debrecen Calvin College, which was founded in 1538 and now has about 26,000 students and more than 1,700 teachers, laying the foundation for the largest institution of higher learning in the country. The whole university has 13 departments and 2 independent schools, covering many fields such as engineering, agriculture, business, arts, science and medicine.

  In Budapest City University, Nora Kemeny, Director of the International Department, introduced the university’s history, the development plan and the general situations in their international education. The two sides also had discussed over mutual cooperation including student exchanges. Before the meeting, the delegation visited the exhibition of students’ works and teaching facilities of the School of Animation Design.

  Founded in 2000, Budapest Metropolitan University is one of the largest private universities in Hungary and Central Europe, with academic qualifications recognized by the Ministry of Education of China, as well as by Hungary and the European Union. It offers disciplines in media, business, tourism, art and design, etc, with 6,500 on-campus students from more than 100 countries and regions around the world. As a young university, its experimental facilities are among the leading in Hungary. Meanwhile, there are many innovative initiatives in talent development and management. The university has launched a portfolio-based teaching system, which enhances students’ comprehensive employment ability and sustainable development potential through close ties with the industries and a series of theoretical and practical teaching initiatives, enjoying a certain influence in the country.


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