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Party Secretary Jin Peihua and His Delegation Visited Chinese Ambassador to Azerbaijan Guo Min

[作者]: [来源]:Party Committee and President Office [时间]:2023-08-25 9:32:50 [阅读次数]:12

  On August 24, Jin Peihua (Secretary of the Party Committee of Huzhou University), together with Li Jihua (Dean of the Confucius Institute), paid a visit to Ms. Guo Min (Ambassador of China to Azerbaijan).

  Ambassador Guo welcomed the visit of Jin Peihua and his delegation to Azerbaijan, and said that in recent years, China-Azerbaijan relations are experiencing the best period of development in history under the strategic guidance of the two presidents, as evidenced by deepened educational cooperation, closer exchanges between universities, think tanks and other institutions, higher enthusiasm of Azerbaijani people for learning Chinese, and larger number of Azerbaijani students studying and pursing their careers in China. She spoke highly of the cooperation achievements between Huzhou University and Azerbaijan University of Languages. Under the joint cooperation of the two universities, the Confucius Institute at Azerbaijan University of Languages has played a positive role in promoting Chinese teaching and spreading Chinese culture in Azerbaijan, enhancing people-to-people exchanges and deepening traditional friendship between the two countries, which has been highly recognized by the government and all walks of life in Azerbaijan. She hoped Huzhou University would carry out extensive cooperation with Azerbaijani universities and expand exchanges of talents, so as to make greater contributions to the deeper and more concrete people-to-people and cultural cooperation between China and Azerbaijan. At the same time, Ambassador Guo also hoped that Huzhou University could help promote the economic and trade development and cultural exchanges between Huzhou and Azerbaijani cities.

  Jin Peihua introduced the cooperation between Huzhou University and Azerbaijan University of Languages, with a focus on the innovative practices and major achievements in fulfilling President Xi Jinping’s thought on ecological civilization and how to better practice and spread this thought. Jin stressed that Huzhou university would take this visit as an opportunity to further improve the cooperation mechanism, bring the talent training model to a new level and expand areas of cooperation with its counterpart universities in Azerbaijan, so as to make a contribution to promoting the educational development, consolidating exchanges and cooperation in humanity areas and carrying forward China-Azerbaijan friendship.

  On the same day, Ding Tao, Public Councilor of the Chinese Embassy in Azerbaijan, attended the opening ceremony of the “Huzhou Corner” in the National Library of Azerbaijan.


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