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Huzhou University Holds the “Honor Youth Years, Ring the Voice of Youth” Host Competition

[作者]: [来源]:Publicity Department of Party Committee, Anding Honors College/College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship [时间]:2023-04-23 11:11:57 [阅读次数]:19

On the evening of April 21st, Huzhou University held the final of the host competition of Honoring Youth years and ringing the Voice of Youth in the East Campus Hall. Program hosts from Pinghu Media Center and Huzhou News Media Center, as well as teachers from Zhejiang University of Media and Communication, were invited to serve as judges. More than 500 teachers and students participated in the event.

After initial auditions, preliminary contests and semi-finals, a total of 12 contestants entered the final, in which they were divided into two teams. Each team presented themselves and then  sent a member to give a speech on the same theme. The judges selected 6 winners, who then held an impromptu host respectively for two minutes. In each session, the contestants showed their varied talents. Some of them innovated the performance form, flexibly connecting the skit with their personal display; some expressed their love for life and hope for the future through poetry recitation; some showed their language skills and improvisation ability through simulated hosting.

Qiu Wei, a judge of the competition and a professor of broadcasting and hosting at Zhejiang University of Media and Communication, said in her comments that the essence of hosting is talking, which is communication between people. This kind of communication is mainly the exchange of ideas and emotions, requiring the host to have a solid language skills. She believes that the contestants in this competition have shown a certain level of the required language skills and hosting ability. 

After fierce competition, Pi Zheng from School of Teacher Education won the first prize, Wang Wenke from School of Humanities and Shao Luyi from School of Teacher Education won the second and third place respectively, and Yuan Qi from School of Teacher Education won the Best Popularity Award.


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