Our School’s Mathematics Discipline Makes the List of 2019 World Class Subjects in Shanghai Ranking Consultancy

[作者]:XCB [来源]:湖州师范学院英文网 [时间]:2020-06-10 9:17:49 [阅读次数]:47

Recently, Shanghai Ranking Consultancy released the 2019 Ranking Consultancy World Class Discipline Ranking, our schools mathematics discipline into the list of world class subjects, the world ranked 326, including 44th in the domestic ranking.

The Ranking Consultancy World Class Discipline Ranking is based on five indicators: PUB, CNCI, IC, TOP and AWARD. 54 disciplines in the five fields of science, engineering, life sciences, medicine and social sciences are evaluated and ranked according to the corresponding weight. The ranking is for more than 4,000 universities around the world, with more than 1,700 universities from 86 countries and regions finally appearing on the list in all disciplines. A total of 233 colleges and universities in China have been on the list for 2001 times, ranking second in the world after the United States.


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