Professor Nicholas Harberd, a Fellow of The Royal Society, Visited Our University

[作者]:XCB [来源]:湖州师范学院英文网 [时间]:2020-06-10 9:14:13 [阅读次数]:7

On April 1, at the invitation of Zhang Lixin, President of our university, Nicholas Harberd, a fellow of The Royal Society, Professor of Oxford University, accompanied by Professor Zheng Shaojian of Zhejiang University, visited our university. He delivered Green Revolution: Growth-metabolism Co-regulation, The Strategy of Plants to deal with Nutritional Adversities academic report. The presentation was chaired by Zhang Liqin and listened by the Key Laboratory of Provincial Vector Biology and Pathogen Control, the backbone teachers of the Department of Pharmacy of Biomedical Sciences and the representatives of students of Class 2017.


Prof. Shaojian Zheng is mainly engaged in research on the physiological and molecular mechanisms of plant response to nutritional adversities such as aluminum toxicity, iron deficiency and heavy metal toxicity. So far, he has presided over three key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and four projects on the surface, one project of the National Special Project on Genetic Modification, one project of the Ministry of Science and Technology's Major Scientific Research Program, etc. 90 papers (41 papers above IF5) have been published in prestigious international SCI journals. The published papers have been cited more than 3900 times with an H index of 36.

Professor Nicholas Harberd is a leading figure in gibberellins research. His group has spent nearly two decades using molecular biology and genetics to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which erythromycin regulates plant growth and development by regulating the stability of the DELLA protein, a series of findings that have contributed to the understanding of the molecular nature of the plant green revolution.


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